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Custom displayed options

The following example demonstrate how you can create a complex filter inside the options menu, using:

  • displayedOptions prop.
  • #menu-header slot.

Make sure to check the props & slots documentation for each of them.

Demo source-code

<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from "vue";
import VueSelect from "vue3-select-component";

const itUsers = [
  { label: "Alice (IT)", value: "alice" },
  { label: "Bob (IT)", value: "bob" },
  { label: "Charlie (IT)", value: "charlie" },
  { label: "David (IT)", value: "david" },

const hrUsers = [
  { label: "Eva (HR)", value: "eva" },
  { label: "Frank (HR)", value: "frank" },
  { label: "Grace (HR)", value: "grace" },
  { label: "Helen (HR)", value: "helen" },

const filter = ref<"it" | "hr">("it");
const selectedUsers = ref<string[]>([]);

const options = computed(() => [...itUsers, ...hrUsers]);
const displayedOptions = computed(() => filter.value === "it" ? itUsers : hrUsers);

function switchFilter() {
  filter.value = filter.value === "it" ? "hr" : "it";

    placeholder="Select users"
    <template #menu-header>
      <button type="button" @click="switchFilter">
        Switch filter type (current: {{ filter }})