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Multiple Select Taggable

The following example demonstrates how to use the VueSelect component to create a multiple select dropdown with taggable options (options that are created by the user).


Setting is-multi to true will change the v-model to become an array of any any[]. Make sure to update your v-model accordingly.

Selected value(s): none

Demo source-code

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Option } from "vue3-select-component";
import { ref } from "vue";
import VueSelect from "vue3-select-component";

// When setting `is-multi` to `true`, the `v-model` should be an array of strings.
const selected = ref<string[]>([]);

const options = ref<Option<string>>([
  { label: "JavaScript", value: "javascript" },
  { label: "TypeScript", value: "typescript" },
  { label: "Swift", value: "swift" },
  { label: "Kotlin", value: "kotlin" },

const handleCreateOption = (value) => {
  options.value.push({ label: value, value });

    @option-created="(value) => handleCreateOption(value)"