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This component is ready to be used in production. However, if there is a feature you would like to see implemented, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Type: any | any[]

Required: true

The value of the select. If isMulti is true, the v-model should be an array of any any[].


If using TypeScript, you can leverage proper type-safety between option.value & v-model. By doing this, you don't have an any type. Read more about TypeScript usage.


Type: Option[]

Required: true

A list of all possible options to choose from. Each option should have a label and a value property. You can add any other properties to the options, which will be passed to the option slot.

Type interface:

type Option<T> = {
  label: string;
  value: T;
  disabled?: boolean;


This type is exported from the component and can be imported in your application.


If you are using TypeScript, you can leverage proper type-safety between option.value & v-model. Read more about TypeScript usage.


Type: boolean

Required: false

Default: undefined

Whether the option should be disabled. When an option is disabled, it cannot be selected nor focused/navigated to using the keyboard. It also benefits from extra aria attributes to improve accessibility.


Type: Option[]

Required: false

A list of specific options to display inside the option menu. This is useful when you want to create a complex filter logic inside the options menu.


When this prop is passed to the component, the options prop won't be used anymore for the rendering of the options menu.

However, it is still used internally to keep track of selected value(s).

You should pass a list of all possible options to the options prop, and a list of specific options to display inside the option menu to the displayedOptions prop.

For more details, see the custom displayed options demo.


Type: string

Default: Select an option

The placeholder text to show when no option is selected.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the select should have a clear button to reset the selected value.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether the select should be disabled.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the select should have a search input to filter the options.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether the select should allow multiple selections. If true, the v-model should be an array of string string[].


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether the select should allow creating a new option if it doesn't exist. When true, if the user searches for an option that isn't part of the list, the menu will display a text to ask if the user wants to create this option.


It is up to the user to intercept the new option (using @option-created event) and manipulate its array of options provided with the :options prop. It is also recommended to slugify the value received and ensure it is unique. For more details, see the Multiple Select Taggable demo.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Whether the select should display a loading state. When true, the select will show a loading spinner or custom loading content provided via the loading slot.


Type: boolean

Default: undefined

A prop to control the menu open state programmatically. When set to true, the menu will be open. When set to false, the menu will be closed.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the first option should be focused when the dropdown is opened. If set to false, the first option will not be focused, and the user will have to navigate through the options using the keyboard.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the dropdown should close after an option is selected.


Type: string

Default: undefined

Teleport the menu outside of the component DOM tree. You can pass a valid string according to the official Vue 3 Teleport documentation (e.g. teleport="body" will teleport the menu into the <body> tree). This can be used in case you are having z-index issues within your DOM tree structure.


Top and left properties are calculated using a ref on the .vue-select with a container.getBoundingClientRect().


Type: string

Default: undefined

The id attribute to be passed to the <input /> element. This is useful for accessibility or forms.


Type: string

Default: undefined

A custom class to be passed to the select control.


Type: string | number

Default: number

A unique identifier to be passed to the select control. Will be used on multiple id attributes for accessibility purposes such as aria-owns, aria-controls, etc.


Type: { labelledby?: string; required?: boolean; }

Default: undefined

Aria attributes to be passed to the select control to improve accessibility.


Type: boolean

Default: false

When set to true, the component will not emit a console.warn because of an invalid v-model type when using isMulti. This is useful when using the component with dynamic v-model references.



(option: Option, label: string, search: string) => boolean;


(option, label, search) => label.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase());

Callback function to determine if the current option should match the search query. This function is called for each option and should return a boolean.

The label is provided as a convenience, processed from getOptionLabel prop.


By default, the following callback function is used (option, label, search) => label.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())



(option: Option) => string;


(option) => option.label;

Resolves option data to a string to render the option label.

This function can be used if you don't want to use the standard option.label as the label of the option.

The label of an option is displayed in the dropdown and as the selected option (single-value) in the select.



(option: Option) => string;


(option) => option.value;

Resolves option data to a string to compare options and specify value attributes.

This function can be used if you don't want to use the standard option.value as the value of the option.