Emitted when an option is selected, in the same tick where the v-model
is updated.
Payload: Option
- The selected option.
@option-selected="(option) => console.log(option.label, option.value)"
Note: this is emitted on the same tick as the v-model is updated, before a DOM re-render.
For keeping track of the selected option, it's recommended to use a computed
property combined with the v-model
instead of relying on the @option-selected
event. This approach is more efficient and aligns better with Vue's reactivity system. Here's an example:
const options = [{ label: "France", value: "FR" }];
const activeValue = ref("FR");
const selectedOption = computed(
() => options.find((option) => option.value === activeValue.value),
Emitted when an option is deselected, in the same tick where the v-model
is updated.
Payload: Option
- The deselected option.
@option-deselected="(option) => console.log(option.label, option.value)"
Note: this is emitted on the same tick as the v-model is updated, before a DOM re-render.
Emitted when a new option is created with the :taggable="true"
Payload: string
- The search content value.
@option-created="(value) => console.log('New option created:', value)"
Emitted when the search value is updated.
Payload: string
- The search content value.
Search value is cleared when the menu is closed. This will trigger an empty string emit event. See tests implementations for more details.
@search="(search) => console.log('search value:', search)"
Emitted when the menu is opened.
@menu-opened="() => console.log('menu opened')"
Emitted when the menu is closed.
@menu-closed="() => console.log('menu closed')"